Our story begins with firefighters,
and they will always remain at the heart of what we do, and why we do it.
Studies show that firefighters have a significantly increased risk of cancers and other serious illnesses compared to the general population, due in large part to their exposure from hazardous chemicals found in smoke, hazmat calls, and even from their own gear, including polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), volatile organic compounds (VOCs), heavy metals and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS - 'forever' chemicals). These toxins are seeping through the skin, particularly the head & face, scalp, hands and groin area, and are passed on through surface transfer. Further, the rate of dermal absorption increases by 400% for every 5 degree increase in skin temperature.
As a result of this exposure, Cancer is the leading cause of line-of-duty death among Firefighters and the World Health Organization’s International Association of Research for Cancer (IARC) has declared firefighting a cancer-causing profession (categorized as ‘Group 1 – Carcinogenic in Humans’).
In 2022, 75% of the Firefighters added to the International Association of Fire Fighters’ (IAFF) Fallen Fire Fighter Memorial wall died from occupational cancer, and many believe this to be higher. And it doesn't stop there - studies have shown children of firefighters have a significantly increased risk of cancer versus the general population.
... these stats go on and on, and they're terrifying.
Our mandate at SOOTSOAP is simple - to CHANGE THE STATS.
In the fire community, we know the risks, and many of us live in fear of them every day. Make no mistake, we are not purporting to cure cancer or even prevent it, nor may we ever get to the point where the risk is 0. But there are things that can be done - protocol changes that reduce the risk of exposure one step, one percentage at a time. Personal decon is one of those things.
We are here to fight for every inch - to fight for every percentage - of decontamination that we can get.
We are here to help departments and those that fund them understand the risk, and commit to the health and safety of those who protect our communities.
We are here to help keep our firefamily and yours as safe as possible. Our firefighters take risks every day on our behalf. Cancer should not be one of them.
We are here to decon like lives depend on it.