"The Goldilocks of Hand Sanitizer" - Sootsoap Hand Sani featured in Western Living Magazine
Nov 12, 2020
Thank you Alyssa Hirose and Western Living Magazine for the feature article! We are proudly made in Canada - in British Columbia - and really appreciate the support and write up!
We're totally stealing your tagline too - we really are "The Goldilocks of Hand Sanitizer".
Firefighter-Approved Sootsoap Now Makes Health Canada-Approved Sanitizer
By Alyssa Hirose / Nov 10, 2020
If you’ve used a hand sanitizer pump at the front of a grocery store or restaurant lately, you’ve probably gotten either a) a liquid that reeks of alcohol and disappears before it can spread or b) a yeasty gel that never dries. That’s what Sootsoap co-founder K. Dee Howard experienced as COVID-19 numbers rose in Canada earlier this year.
Howard had just broken into the soap game in September 2019, when she launched Sootsoap especially for folks who are exposed to lots funky smells and harsh chemicals. She knew firsthand from her firefighter partner coming home smelling of smoke (he’d shower three times and still smell, she says) and sought out options for getting that stink out. “There wasn’t anything,” she says. “People would say they had tried Irish Spring or tomato juice, but there wasn’t anything that actually worked.”
Check out the full article at https://www.westernliving.ca/Firefighter-Approved-Sootsoap-Now-Makes-Health-Canada-Approved-Sanitizer